About Us
The NYCLUXE is an online company registered in New York City. It carries preloved authentic luxury bags such as Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy and Valentino. Our base of operation is located in Yokohama, Japan. We cater to retail customers and to bulk customers by special arrangements.
Aubrey Tolentino Parreno, the Company President, started the business from her love of ladies' bags growing up. Her passion and entrepreneurial spirit motivated her to start selling trendy and fashionable bags to friends and co-workers. When she migrated to New York City, the business clientele grew. Together with the improving global economy, the demand for quality preloved authentic luxury bags also grew. Soon, the company began to offer Hermes, Chanel and Louis Vuitton, to name a few, to the more particular customers. What drives Aubrey in running the company is her desire to have the customers experience owning a piece of art and history through the bags they purchase. Wearing a Louis Vuitton, for example, gives the owner a feeling of success, accomplishment and a sense of style and taste. The NYCLUXE wants this experience to be felt by all the customers.
Now, the company is a verified and trusted online seller. The product line is sourced from auctions and reputable stores all over Asia. Customers can be assured that the bag they purchase from The NYCLUXE is authentic, in good condition and is reasonably priced.
The company aims to provide its customers the special experience and the pride of owning premium, good condition and fashionable luxury leather goods.
Products like Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Yves San Laurent, Givenchy and Valentino are works of art and pieces of history. It is the company's desire that its customers wear these items not only as testament to their lifestyle and affluent taste, but also for their high quality and practical value.